Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This Week started out Well!!!!

It snowed on Tuesday, about 1 inch, but we all went to school. I decided that I would take my students to the mall on the is finals and classes are messed up. The bus slid to a stop at a major intersection and we all cheered when a car barely missed us. The rest of the day was uneventful until I got home...I had two clients and then I was off to Adam and Kelly's to babysit. As I drove in the driveway both of their cars were here. HMMMMMM evidently Kelly had had an incident in the morning involving the stove and the fire department. The stove did not make it and the rest of the house has a layer of soot. Mackenzie and Spencer were in bed so they were surprised to end up in the front yard with fire engines. Kelly left the kids with grandpa and with a friend started the clean up. They all stayed with us last night. Tonight Kelly and Adam are enjoying some alone time at Capital Medical Center trying to relieve Kelly of her migraine. I took the day off work and will share a couple of pictures with you later of my great grandmother skills.
Boy do I wish you all were here......Love you MOM